Banshee tv show review
Banshee tv show review

banshee tv show review banshee tv show review


The final season would probably be better as a two-hour movie minus extraneous subplots, but I’m still grateful for the time spent. There’s a hogwash subplot about a satanic serial killing-cult-whereas most of Banshee’s villains are more criminal-and the season’s other main villains, a white supremacist brotherhood, are never as well-developed as past season’s villains, but it’s still nice to take one last trip with the “Banshee” crew. “the worst”…Sure, it’s the worst season, but it’s also the shortest (only eight episodes) and exists mostly to give closure to all the characters we’ve grown to love. It’s seriously worthy of your time, and I hope you’ll think about it… I’m not kidding, even the “worst” season of Banshee is still only a B- while the rest of the series is firmly in the A-range. I want to be clear about two seemingly contradictory things: the final season of Banshee was the worst of the series, but you should still watch it. Cinemax’s “Banshee” was one of the most consistently underrated shows on television, and in fact many readers of this article may not have even heard of the series, let alone watched it. It was the end of times, and-as is so often the case with TV finales–it was the worst of times.

Banshee tv show review